
Showing posts from April, 2012
These posts are intended to cater to refined tastes, people like you. But if you find this stuff boring please ignore it and other posts;  if you have a curious mind then read on and let me share this strange journey I undertook in the UFO by telepathy. What strange lands I visited, what strange people I met, and what strange vehicles I moved in.... 1.      The Estuarine Race I came to a beautiful man sanctuary Surrounding a bountiful estuary Whose crustaceans gave the people its name And their chitin in the mind a game For digested, it gave the warless people a figment of armour Which begat in that great nation a gladiator’s fervour And tired of seeing theirs useless, the peers decreed rivalry For their offspring like Spartans of renowned chivalry So they will know life is not easy They stowed the commonweal in foreign vaults And ask their youths in self-employment to squeeze water from stones So they will know in their wor...

My book of genesis or how it all began!

This is briefly the book of genesis for me, Friends, know ye I received each ideography From that intergalactic UFO by telepathy And being sworn to no secrecy, Unlike famed King Mydas’s barber of antiquity, Undertook not to whisper in a lone cavity But to print this tourist map for humanity That in this age of manned space discovery We may know which hosts will wreak iniquity And though he who bore Saul’s death to David met no pity If irked, blame but that flying saucer’s Muse whose ingenuity Imbued in this messenger this portentous creativity Else, board this spaceship with un-impugned felicity For Saul died, that David may fulfil Samuel’s prophesy