Pandemonium of Petit Nègres
That our countries fare so badly since independence is not worse! Worse is this dangerous path down which we so gleefully tread By a pandemonium of petit nègres, emboldened by massive neutrality, lead Since the 90s, the desert preachers decry, Yet the pogrom of Yaounde just increase their appetite With each raise in the preacher's voice, Whilst the lotus eaters look on, or eat the lotuses of choral music and feigned miracles, Or the lotuses of immoral lyrics and bacchus's nectar, Or bury their head in the sand and look on, Or sit on the fence of academia and look on. But nurses and doctors save lives, Teachers, preachers and lawyers save souls, All hail to these unsong heroes. And shame to the fence-sitters, And those who wear a mask to criticise, Accomplices cannot tell the wrongdoer their wrong to his face, If you cannot risk your sinecure and vested interests to better the lot of all Then be ready to partake in your master's fall. And courage to all those in Ba