How Ready are Hotels in Limbe and Buea for the Ladies’ AFCON 2016?

Tourist Map of Buea
The activity of tourism authorities in Buea and Limbe, with respect to the impending Women’s Africa Cup of Nations, can be summarized in one sentence: “upgrade existing infrastructure and add rooms to extend capacities”. Satisfied with the completion rate of 70% for all these works, the Ministry of Tourism and Liesure Delegation visiting the South West Region for this purpose, from 4 to 8 August 2016, left assured that hotels will be ready in time for the august event.
The State in view of the Women’s AFCON decided to upgrade select hotels in Limbe and Buea to full four star status.
Parliamentarian Flats Hotel, Buea: Full of history and symbolism
These include the Parliamentarian Flats Hotel, and Mountain Hotel in Buea. At the Parliamentarian Flat, the works consist in extending the room capacity and providing inexistent infrastructures. As such, to the 30 upgraded pre-existing rooms of the Parliamentarian Flats Hotel, 46 new four-star grade rooms are being added, as well as a swimming pool, a gym and a new restaurant. Also, to the 30 chalets and 50 rooms of the Mountain Hotel, the State decided to add 62 rooms (of four-star grade, of course), a gym, a night club and a new restaurant, with both projects costing the Government more than 12 billion CFA francs.

Chariot Hotel, Buea

Fini Hotel, Limbe

Mountain Hotel, Buea: A new facelift. 

Swimming Pool, Mountain Hotel
Away from the focus on hotels to host official delegations, fans and other travelers will have difficulties chosing from the myriads of private hotels offering room. They include Chariot Hotel, Mermoz Hotel, Eta, Executive Holet, Eta Palace Hotel, Capitol Residence, Resort 89 Hotel, Hotel La Fraicheur, Lady L Hotel, Miss Bright Hotel, Pathfinder Hotel, Golden Palace Hotel, Carlos Residence Hotel, Taaka Guest House, Denver, Pavillion, Serge Ville, among others. The case of Limbe, where the matches will actually take place, is even better. There the following hotels are on offer apart from the popular Seme New Beach, Fini and Atlantic Beach hotels: Mariot, Tsaben Beach, Palamainnji, Visole, Victoria Guest House, Trinity, Savoy Palms, Miramar, Nadiva, Yuba, Metropolitan Lodge,  among others.

Pullman Hotel, Douala


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