Of African Religion and Foreign Religions In response to African quarrels about Notre Dame fires Hi to all. Anybody who has not read and understood "The Country of the Blind" by HG Wells or/and "The Machine Stops" by EM Forster will keep missing the point in social and political debates, thinking inside a box, operating by group think, and fearing "thought crime" (the fear of thinking outside a very narrow perspective imposed by formal education in school). In The Country of the Blind, we have a people who cannot see and believe sight does not exist. They thus remove the eyes of an immigrant who settled among them, thinking he was mad to talk of blue skies and colourful rainbows and flowers. In The Machine Stops, we have a human colony forced to escape a nuclear backlash and live underground... where a machine has been made to provide oxygen. The machine becomes deified and it is forbidden to criticize or examine it. Despite the evidence of ...
Showing posts from April, 2019