Of African Religion and Foreign Religions
In response to African quarrels about Notre Dame fires

Hi to all. Anybody who has not read and understood "The Country of the Blind" by HG Wells or/and "The Machine Stops" by EM Forster will keep missing the point in social and political debates, thinking inside a box, operating by group think, and fearing "thought crime" (the fear of thinking outside a very narrow perspective imposed by formal education in school).
In The Country of the Blind, we have a people who cannot see and believe sight does not exist. They thus remove the eyes of an immigrant who settled among them, thinking he was mad to talk of blue skies and colourful rainbows and flowers. 

In The Machine Stops, we have a human colony forced to escape a nuclear backlash and live underground... where a machine has been made to provide oxygen. The machine becomes deified and it is forbidden to criticize or examine it. Despite the evidence of its defects, a character who observes this machine's fallibility is molested and misunderstood or ignored when he predicts the impending doom.
Many are those who hate their doctors for discovering diseases in them...it is as if the doctor created the disease.
Now, as it stands, the whole world suffers from a mental disease, global coloniality. You cannot diagnose yourself, but the symptoms in a nutshell are selfhate in Blacks and a certain disposition of inferiority towards Whites which are taken as the standard for everything, even things that do not depend on skin colour or physical appearance.

Not only Blacks suffer from coloniality. White people too, suffer from white privilege: a believe that whites are superior, which sees them disappointed when evidence of the contrary is presented, prompting a recourse to violent institutions like ku Klux Klan, apartheid, etc.
Now, how did these two people, who were equal in almost every imaginable aspect of life by the time of the flourishing of The Empire of Ghana and construction of Notre Dame come to be this way, to be mentally infected to the extent that they cannot bear to think of a different reality?
The answer is called "sociogeny" a term invented by Frantz Fanon, a carribean intellectual. This term means social engineering. 

I am running out of time and space, so I will leave the details for another post but every engineering uses technology. What are the social technologies used in sociogeny:
As it stands, the key difference between Black Africans and Caucasians is freedom...freedom of worship in Africa vs dogma and conceit in Europe and Asia: Christian and Muslim dogma. So while Europe seems divided into many polities, it really is one entity, Christendom. Asia (the part that interests us Africans is Arabia) too is just one entity: Islamdom. And ultimately, all stem from Judaism. On the contrary, Africa is characterized by freedom...more than 5000 tribes with very few if any uniting factors, certainly the only uniting creed is freedom.
When Asians and Europeans, having been united by dogma and constituting one strong entity which easily shared technologies like sailing, geography and warfare, came to Africa, they met a free but disunited people. It was very easy for Europeans to help each other loot Africa than for Ejagham to unite with Bayangi and fight a slave raider, for example. Based on our differences, we were entirely exposed to capture and even helped the Whiteman to capture ourselves.
That is how the technologies found easy success. They include:
1) colorism
2) culture appropriation
3) destruction of Black Civilisation
4) Christianity and Islam
5) capitalism. More on this later.
We often blame the colonists for dividing us. It is not true. We were not united in any socio-political sense except that we have same skin colour and recognized ethnic genealogy. For example, Meta and Batibo cannot unite for anything but both recognize they are brothers with one ancestor. All Bantus are one but just see how Congo's peoples kill each other. Same goes for Nso and Bamum, Ejagham and Bayangi, Bakossi and Bakweri, etc.
What the whiteman did was just to prevent us from uniting to fight him. So he did not divide and rule but simply prevented unity and ruled.
Faced with a formidable enemy, Black people started to compete with each other to please the Whiteman and win his favours in order to have a less pitiful existence. Hence Sawas insult Bamums and Bamilekes, coastals insult come no gos, etc.
Although, not presented in historical order...the technologies of coloniality stated above require close attention, to bring us back to conclude about the topic of interest: Christianity in Africa.
Now sociogeny is facilited by:
1) colorism: the darkest is the most hated, the mulatto is mocked with privileged slave status, serves in the kitchen and is fed intestines of chicken while the purebred Black is put under whip, raped, fed horsefeed. In Africa, fair skinned were employed in colonial administration, western educated, etc. Recall how your CPDM mothers all sold lightskinned Biya to you as handsome where Ahidjo was seen as Black and ugly (In the 1980s). Even today, how do you evaluate a dark skin vs a fair skin, even when born of the same father and mother? You have preference of fair skin but do not know why. It is coloniality, the result of sociogeny...the result of always seeing dark skins in suffering and light skins in enjoyment. If you doubt me, observe you environment for 1 day. Let's go to culture appropriation.
2) you must have been told Greeks and Romans invented sciences, maths, etc. Lies, they learnt from Egypt. You must have been told Egypt was White. Lies, this Whitewashing is culture appropriation. At the decline of Egypt, whites invaded and settled there and took ownership of the place and gave it Arab names, same as they did in USA and South Africa. But in Egypt they met pyramids and all else. They only brought evil and no more. Enough of Egypt as if it is the only place in Africa. Today, you see police and standing armies as a Whiteman invention but these are the works of the empire of Mali. Read history. When White men teach you they are creators of these things...you feel indebted to them. A debtor is inferior to his benefactor. Hence Black inferiority and White privilege.

3) Destruction of Black civilisation or agenda setting: having observed the point above, white people (Arabs and Europeans) decided to start wiping out all evidence of Black achievements from history books. To make you more indebted to them for everything...They start history by a few words of early man, then skip over Egypt and teach you details about Rome and Greece. They destroy noses of Black Pharaohs, and tell you they are white. They claim Zimbabwe and Ethiopia were built by White Arabs. They teach you nothing about Mali, Ghana and Songhai, just mention a few insignificant stories, emphasizing the evil of Sumanguru. The destroy, ignore and question physical evidence of Black civilisation while reinforcing historical myths about themselves. They attribute Egypt to extraterrestrials from space and make it a tourist attraction to themselves where the real heirs of the Ancient Egyptians are Black people enslaved in their harems cooking for their wives. They set the agenda by discussing about themselves and their problems and making you interested in their own likes and dislikes to the extent that your own becomes irrelevant in the discussion. A Black will spend time consoling a White child neglected by its mother, while neglecting her own child who is sick and under nourished.
4) you must have been made to hate Egypt as the land where your ancestors the Israelites suffered bondage or to see it merely as a hiding place for your God (why will a God or his son hide from this mere mortal Herod?). You must have celebrated the imaginary plagues on Egypt, celebrating the fall of your kind (Although the story in the bible seems untrue, the effect is real). By studying White centred stories, you are divorced from your own self. It is a psychological process called alternisation. It happens naturally when you love someone so much so that you can die for the person to live. But guess what: Christianity and Islam cause the same effect in you. You will defend a Whiteman against your own Brother, even without thinking because your subconscious mind has been hacked by these religious narratives. All the christendom fanatics on this forum now know what is happening to them. They now know the causes of their knee jerk reactions.
5)Capitalism is not an African way. Most of us think entrepreneurship can only take the form of capitalism, but our mothers feed the nation by njangi farming. However, western educated people see capitalism as the only mode of existence. Now politicians have become capitalists cashing in on abuse of power. Capitalism is bloodsucking of fellow man but we Africans are people of Ubuntu, collective destiny. But your bible teaches you falsely that your fate is individual, calling on you to obey your molester instead of joining hands with your fellow man to liberate yourself. Worse is that pastors are capitalists, selling you illusions and collecting dividends in the name of offerings to a God who does not lack. Why do these miracle pastors not instead make miracle money and leave your purses free?
In a nutshell, your religion facilitates coloniality of being, makes you comfortable with a hierarchy where God is first, Whitman second, Blackman last, makes you hate yourself for imaginary sins and forgive White men for real sins like racism, prevents you from sympathizing with your fellow suffering African brothers (unless during public relations charity events approved by pastors), etc. Christianity and Islam are part of the reason Black people suffer and have no solutions to offer. You do not even know the name of your ancestor or their own concept of God but you say their belief system is bad.
EM Forster and HG Wells all teach us to learn to question our certainties about life. African Christians and Muslims should learn these lessons...learn to question things. Our ancestors did not interact with White men long enough to understand these tricks. But for anyone alive today to still believe in these European and Asian narratives is a serious failing on the part of African thought leaders.
Lastly, on the nature of God...if God were a person who intervenes in human affairs, he/she will save that cathedral before the fire, he will save children from Catholic priest rape, he will punish whites for slavery, he will lift Blacks from material poverty and mental slavery, he will free Ambazonia from LRC and stop the burning of people alive, the shooting of suckling babies on their mother's backs.

I am Metighe Tendum, proud descendant of Tewidikum, a Black African
Proud worshipper at his shrine,
Proud champion of the impersonal God, creator of the universe, who cannot be moved by prayers or offerings, especially prayers by bloodsuckers and money mongers called pastors
I am Metighe Tendum, a knower and not a believer.


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