List of approved churches in Cameroon. Is your church there?
Gov’t releases full list of approved and illegal churches in Cameroon Many people think the government is out to fight religion but when you read this list of approved churches, you will understand that the recent closure of some illegal churches is made to ensure respect of the law and nothing else, especially since the churches will be allowed to operate once they submit their legal authorisations. A. List of approved churches and their headquarters Serial No. Name Headquarters 1 Société Baptiste Missionnaire Européenne (Swiss) Zurich 2 Assemblée Chrétienne Témoins du Christ Douala 3 Mission Catholique Romaine Yaounde 4 Presbyterian Church in Cameroun (P.C.C.) Buea 5 Eglise Presbytérienne Camerounaise (E.P.C.) Yaounde 6 Eglise Protestante Africaine du Cameroun (E.P.A.) Lolodorf ...
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