How on this sad morning years ago calamity befell a nation.
How a manmade night, a permanent eclipse was cast on the commonweal.
How a floating island levitated from the S.E. Forests and pinioned over the state.
How an era of unprecedented corruption and tribalism was ushered in by the 'peaceful revolution'.
How the death warrant of progress, employment and happiness was signed.

Oh Lord, to you I recourse!
If a people get the government they deserve
How have we deserved this who were born
Thirty years ago and less?
Certainly God is is with us in knowing
No one ever deserved to rot under zombie king
Eager to portray the semblance of life
Than to lead his nation in the strive for wellbeing!

I ponder over these and wonder:
How is this nightmare going to end?
Shall we, lambs of no living God
But of a mere mortal, die on the Calvary
Of vain labours and on our off-shoot
Bequeath a harvest of another Faure or Ali?
Or shall we at last see difference is meant to divide
And jointly defeat this human hydra, each with their arm?


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